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  • Dabi

    en Why not get cocky? You’re playing right into our hands. The second you lost the initiative signaled your defeat. You’ve got the top hero-training academy, U.A., and the Symbol of Peace, All Might… the two most trusted foundations of our hero-based society. But now one mess after another is shaking that trust… don’t you think that loss of faith will spread like wildfire throughout society? Think about it… how your careless administration keeps allowing attack after attack… you’re so weak… you couldn’t even stop a criminal organization from abducting your students.

    [Kapitel 82] [Band 10]
  • Dabi

    en This will just be a signal fire. We’ll fill those heroes full of holes… and put them in their place. All for a brighter future.

    Anime: My Hero Academia 3 [Episode 3]
    [Kapitel 72] [Band 9]
  • Dabi

    en The hero killer’s will… I plan to make it a reality.

    Anime: My Hero Academia 2 [Episode 22]
    [Kapitel 68] [Band 8]
  • Dabi

    en Quite worthy of being an instructor at U.A. Ain’t that right, hero? Is it cuz your students are so precious? Hope you got what it takes to protect them… See ya later.

    [Kapitel 77] [Band 9]
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