FLCL (2000)



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  • Naota NANDABA
    Naota NANDABA

    en Ever since that day, the smoke has continued to pour out of the Medical Mechanical Factory, the town is completely covered in white mist. You can’t see the sky or stars, it’s almost like outside of this town nothing exists anymore. A town where you can’t go beyond the edge, the gigantic hand says, “Stay where you are, you have no choice”. It’s like the right hand of a Judge or a Prison Warden about to give the signal for an execution. When Haruko and Canti vanished I wondered if they went out there. To the outside world, someday.

    Anime: FLCL
  • Naota NANDABA
    Naota NANDABA

    en When you’re in a town like this all covered with smoke, you forget that there’s a world outside. Nothing amazing happens here. And you get used to that, used to a world where everything is ordinary. Every day we spend here is like a whole lifetime of dying slowly. But now Haruko is here. That’s how I know there really is a world outside.

    Anime: FLCL
  • Haruko HARUHARA
    Haruko HARUHARA

    en It takes an idiot to do something cool, that’s why it’s cool.

    Anime: FLCL
  • Mamimi SAMEJIMA
    Mamimi SAMEJIMA

    en I saw God the other day, by the river on a rainy afternoon. He helped a kitten that was left all alone. It’s a God that only I can see. A black winged angel that came down from the heavens just for me.

    Anime: FLCL
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