Student Council’s Discretion (2009)

Seitokai no Ichizon / 生徒会の一存


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  • Haruhi SUZUMIYA
    Haruhi SUZUMIYA

    en I’m Haruhi Suzumiya, from East Junior High. First off, I’m not interested in ordinary people. But, if any of you are aliens, time-travelers, or espers, please come see me. That is all!

  • Haruhi SUZUMIYA
    Haruhi SUZUMIYA

    en Men are worthless. Feelings of love are just a temporary lapse in judgement, like a kind of mental illness.

  • Ryuk

    en Humans are interesting.

  • Ryuk

    en For me… Apples are like cigarettes and liquor for humans. If I’m deprived I go into withdrawals.

  • Ryuk

    en All humans die the same, the place they go after death isn’t decided upon by a god it is Mu (nothingness).

  • Ai ENMA
    Ai ENMA

    en O pitiful shadow bound in darkness,
    Looking down upon people, and causing them pain.
    A soul drowned in sinful karma…
    Want to try dying this once?

    ja 闇に惑いし哀れ な影よ
    人を傷つけ貶め て
    罪に溺れし業の 魂
    一遍... 死んで見る?
    (Yami ni madoishi awarena kage yo
    Hito o kizutsuke otoshimete,
    Tsumi ni oboreshi gō no tama,
    Ippen... shinde miru?)

  • Ai ENMA
    Ai ENMA

    en When one person is cursed, two graves are dug.

  • Ai ENMA
    Ai ENMA

    en I consign this grievance to hell.

  • Kamina

    en A true man doesn’t die even if he’s killed!!!

  • Kamina

    de Vergiss mal die Logik und tu das Unmögliche! Denk immer dran, nur so funktioniert das Team Gurren!

    en Kick reason to the curb and surpass the impossible! Isn’t that the way of our Gurren Brigade?!

    Anime: Gurren Lagann [Episode 1]
  • Kamina

    en With a man’s soul and a strong back, go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!

  • Kamina

    de Du darfst nicht an dich glauben! Glaub nur an mich! Glaub nur an den Kamina, der an dich glaubt!

    en Don’t believe in yourself! Believe in ME who believes in you!!!

    Anime: Gurren Lagann [Episode 1]
  • Misuzu KAMIO
    Misuzu KAMIO

    en This summer was filled with more happiness than some people have in an entire lifetime.

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