Naughty Nurses (2003)

Heisa Byouin / 閉鎖病院

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Englisch Reviews – Naughty Nurses

Hier findest Du sowohl kurze als auch umfangreichere Rezensionen zum Anime „Naughty Nurses“. Dies ist kein Diskussionsthema! Jeder Beitrag im Thema muss eine für sich alleinstehende, selbst verfasste Rezension sein und muss inhaltlich mindestens die Kerngebiete Handlung und Charaktere sowie ein persönliches Fazit enthalten. Du kannst zu einer vorhandenen Rezension allerdings gern einen Kommentar hinterlassen.
Avatar: ANONBABY#1
  • Story
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  • Music
  • Eroticism
** Sorry if you don't understand something, I used google translator to translate all my review that I already had in Spanish.

" Emergency sex "

Mayu and Nimura had a very good relationship, however Nimura went through a huge problem which was that at the time of having sex his penis did not erect because of how nervous he felt, that is why he decides to end the relationship and also it disappears without saying anything. For this Mayu continues her life and begins to work in a hospital as a nurse, and to her surprise, Nimura was working in that same hospital. A reunion of destiny.
This anime is one of the classics, therefore they always have a better story or rather have a story, at the time of giving a past to one of its characters and from there unfolding everything that is going to happen during it, unlike the Hentais today, and that is much more remarkable when you see the total difference in the amount of duration of an episode, at the beginning of 2000 the vast majority of hentai lasted around 30 minutes that now they last about 16 minutes This obviously gave way to a greater effort to do something with the story but with its hentai touch.

With that mentioned, this story focuses on a hospital where nurses, doctors and even patients have sex with each other, obviously all in secret, in this somewhat chaotic environment is where our two protagonists, Mayu and Nimura, a beginning nurse and a beginning doctor, they both go through different events during these two episodes, Mayu something terrible happens to him due to the plot carried out by the two antagonists of this story a patient named Eitaro Ishigami and the head nurse, Ryouko Uematsu, each followed by their goals the first putting his hands on Mayu, while Ryouko putting his hands on Nimura. We also have secondary relationships from the prequel's protagonist, Aoyagi Satsuki, a nurse, and another doctor named Hattori Katsumi, this being a total gigolo from this hospital. All this for the relative filling of hot scenes that is what the viewer comes for. Well continuing with the main theme that is if the two protagonists returned to be together because the reason for this break is the problem that Nimura goes through, for different reasons that are shown in the anime he manages to solve it with this confidence, he passes this difficulty and he takes courage to fix things with Mayu. All this is incredible, the fact that a hentai can more or less form a story is quite amazing, however it falls into some very big script problems, where it makes the viewer feel like the protagonists took another route and this repeats itself To a large extent, with this I mean that there are scenes where the same characters give an idea that will cause another outcome but in the end they are totally ignored, in addition to characters that appear to interrupt the protagonists as "villains" but do nothing at the end and they are simply for visual entertainment of the viewer, which is not a bad thing obviously but they end up leaving questions about why they did not intervene, these great failures make everything they built decay a lot, because it ruins or makes the end look not as good as it must have been.

This anime being not so current, because it has a very average animation, above all it ends up falling into that great problem of the hentais of those years that is the repetition of the same scene or perspective of a pose repeatedly, and then move on to another pose or camera perspective to do the same thing as in the previous scene and then put everything together and repeat it, so until it ends, this makes it feel very repetitive and a little tired, all this accompanied with a design of characters that are a bit normal or rather that they do not feel so much originality or difference from other hentais that came out during these years, with the exception of Sawada Maiko who gives a feeling of difference to the other designs. But it does have some good seiyuus and well-executed background music throughout the anime.

In conclusion, it is still a hentai, therefore what matters most is how much one enjoys it regardless of its story or even animation, since if you quite like the character designs that they are showing you in this hentai, then so the Animation is repetitive, you might like it because you are simply attracted to the character who is in that moment of action, this hentai is totally recommended even though it has certain labels such as monkfish or ugly bastard that although it has this without a doubt it is enjoyable this hentai. Personally, I could not enjoy it as much as I would have liked due to its script problems, obviously its animation and also because it has two things that I hate a lot, which is monkfish and ugly bastards. After all, scoring a hentai is totally subjective, it depends on your tastes and fetishes.

Thank you for reading,
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